Tinnitus is also referred to as ringing in the ear. It means “a phenomenon in which a person consistently hears unwanted sound when there is no sound coming from the external”
Tinnitus has a lot of causes including stress, fatigue, inflammatory disease, temporomandibular disorder, exposure to noise. Earlogic provides professional treatment on tinnitus caused by external factors (exposure to noise, stress etc..) but not tinnitus caused by internal factors (inflammatory disease, temporomandibular disorder)
Do you hear strange sounds in your ear?
20% of the total population have experienced hearing soft and loud sounds such as the sound of wind howling and metallic sounds when there are no external sound stimulation. This means 1 out of 5 person experience symptoms of tinnitus. We estimate that there are over 2 million people who suffer such serious tinnitus that they cannot even fall asleep at night.
Tinnitus can be due to an increase in noise, stress or drug abuse but the most common cause is the damage of the auditory cell. Therefore prolonged tinnitus can cause damage to the hearing ability or if it is serious it can cause symptoms throughout the body such as hearing loss, dizziness, earache, headache and fatigue.
Earlogic Centre's different way of detecting tinnitus
Earlogic Centre has introduced the ‘tinnitusless program’ newly developed in EarlogicKorea that is different from the existing tinnitus test that uses the traditional ‘signal generator’.It is a state of art program that searches even the most minute auditory hair cells panel and finds out the exact panel where tinnitus has occurred and treats it.
Good treatment result is guaranteed because this system first identified clearly the tinnitus that only oneself knows and then advances to the step of treatment.
